When we mention the word trust it can sound like there may be reasons [valid or not] behind trusting or lack of trust in others whether from past experiences or current ones..
If you have had your trust broken many times or been abused by others it will be much harder for you to give your trust because you will have an 'extra wall of protection' around yourself and your trust will have to be earned ~ not freely given ~ this is perfectly normal in these circumstances.  You may lack trust in yourself because of this and feel that your own judgement is not very sound ~ confidance is rebuilt with practice.  Start small.  If you lack trust just by feeling anxious about what people might think, or do, or because you don't know their motives then that is another issue to be dealt with that often requires therapy of some sort [physical or mental].  However, no matter what the reason, you are simply letting your energies slip away through all the worry when they could be put to better use by providing you with direction and motivation.

Allow yourself to make a few mistakes in life for it is only through error that we learn growth.  Allow yourself to be yourself without worrying or wondering what others might think and how your actions might affect your total life.  You will affect your total life and if you have built your 'foundations' upon firm ground and you have sound morals and a good understanding of the world you are far better able to go about your business and allow yourself the luxury of living.

Too many times people waste their life's energies on what others might think or do [the future] and this causes anxieties to manifest in the present and robs us of today.  Too many times people will worry about what they said or did in the past [that they cannot change and they rehash them] this also robs us of today's living and causes anxieties to manifest in the present.  Your time would be much better spent allowing yourself to be yourself and to live in the present rather than worry about past or future occurrences that may or many not result from your actions or lack of actions.  Isn't this putting a lot on onus on you?

You are not responsible for other people's actions or thoughts ~ only your own.  What you need to do ~ is do things for the right reasons ~ for you!  How the other people around you react is their problem.  If you have done or said something from a positive state of being [and perhaps even of great benefit] and someone around you reacts with anger or jealousy it is not be because you did or said anything wrong.  Their reaction was caused by their own lack of control and they made you the scapegoat.  Often times we can be 'triggers' for other people ~ we set them off through no fault of our own..

You could be a perfectly innocent person who said 'I love you', and another person could lash out with anger because you dared to say it.  You didn't say anything wrong but because of THEIR fear of intimacy they react with hostility.  This has nothing to do with you ~ it is THEIR issue, not yours.

Perhaps the best advice I could give you in a brief time is this: in order to trust others we must first begin within.  Start small, learn to trust your own judgement and listen to your own inner guidance.

Begin with FORGIVENESS ~ you cannot begin to trust until you forgive yourself or others for whatever wrongs you may feel you have encountered [bad judgement, abuse, etc.]  Forgiveness plays a key role.

COURAGE would be the next step ~ to be willing to allow yourself to take that first step of trust and with this combine FAITH [that all will happen for your highest good whether it be more lessons or new adventures].

HONOUR would be next for you honour yourself through courage and listening to that quiet inner voice that prods you to action.

And lastly, LOVE.  Love can conquer all.  Love is not last in any way, shape, or form, but present throughout the entire process for it is only with love that we can forgive and begin to trust ~ and let go ...

I am never quite sure why I write what I write, but I do what I am guided to, and write when I am prompted to, and today I got the prompt. I truly hope this helps.

NOTE: Regarding karma: the energies you spend second guessing everything have a 'life of their own'.  You are building up unhealthy karma just by worrying so much and not living.  Better to just live one day at a time if need be, and let the other days take care of themselves for worry will change nothing and will rob you of today.  If you don't want to offend others then just think before you speak and if someone takes offence remember that their reaction is not necessarily the result of what you said but rather it is caused by some fear of their own.

Copyright © 1994, Victoria Nelson



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