Stress is a necessary part of life - without it we would not exist. However, excess stress can be very harmful to our existence. These are just a few ways to combat negative stress and its effects: -exercise -ground yourself listen to relaxing music -meditate -take up gardening -have hobbies -get acquainted with nature -get creative [use the negative and make it a positive] -use alternative methods such as massage, reiki, therapeutic touch, acupuncture and herbal remedies.

Your thought patterns create your reality. Never underestimate the power of your own mind as it is a very powerful tool which creates the reality in which you live. If you believe that life is good, then life is good and you take the few bumps along the road with a dash of salt. If you believe the world is a horrible place to live then you will go around finding fault and criticizing everything and everyone you meet.

You create your own health through thought. If you say you have no time to be sick and refuse to live life feeling ill, chances are you will be really healthy. However, if you accept and believe that you are ill, then you will be. Some of my students have experienced a rapid change in health because of a change in thinking. I have also had this experience: One morning I woke up feeling like a good dose of the flu or a full fledged cold was about to descend on me - I just felt awful. Not thinking of anything [nor expecting anything] I simply said to myself, "I don't have time for this." and lay my head back down on the pillow for a few moments. Well wasn't I pleasantly surprised as I noticed that within 2 to 5 minutes I felt perfectly fine. And please ... don't say this to yourself and expect the same results I got. If you have any preconceived ideas or expectations as to the results you will get then nothing will happen.  Or if anything does you may not feel it was enough and be ungrateful for you were ‘expecting’ more.  I wasn’t expecting anything at all when this happened.

Make your statement without expectations or any preconceived ideas as to what the outcome might be and you will be much happier with any results you get. No matter how small or large the improvement you should be thankful. It will take time to change your thinking, and therefore your health. I know it works - I've seen people do it. A positive mind state goes a long way. To keep the changes - accept them. Having an open mind, without expectations, and accepting what does happen is the first step. The second is to continue to reinforce your new positive thinking. Don't accept the illness back into your life. Of course, there are always extenuating circumstances in each case and it is up to the individual involved to think their way through them for satisfactory results.

The book, "A Course In Miracles" teaches that it is the absence of miracles that is not normal. Miracles are an everyday occurrence and it is only when they are absent that something is wrong. The book states, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your thinking small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. As we let our own light shine, we give other people permission to do the same; as we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

In order to change your environment, your health, your outlook on life, your present circumstances, etc., you need to change the way you think. Your own thoughts are capable of creating miracles - only you create your restrictions and limitations. And as I so often like to say, "YOU are the only problem you will ever have in this lifetime - and baby, YOU are the only solution."

Copyright © 1994, Victoria Nelson



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