#11 - 20
Q 11
The masters is so expensive, can I trade for it?
A 11
"That is totally up to the Master you decide on. Myself, I have a sliding scale for cash. I put a lot of time and money into the manuals, certificates and training. I've rewritten and clarified all my notes, explained things which were not explained to me and I include in the manuals some articles I have written which I believe might be beneficial to students. I also include copies of any material which I might read during the meditation. I limit the number of students in my classes, particularly the Masters. My regular class size is three students, but my Masters I train 'one on one'. I cannot possibly give every student the same degree of training or attention which I feel they deserve. My students [with my name on their certificates] are a reflection of me and I don't want some half trained person going out there to practice when they're not ready to. I want my students to be the best they can be and I give it my all. What other Masters do is up to them, but this is what I do."
Q 12
Why is one Reiki practitioner able to help me more than another?
A 12
"I believe that the clearer you are of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual problems, the clearer you will be as a vessel for God's healing energy. After all, water can't run through a blocked or clogged sink as quickly and easily as it could if the drain were clear and open. This is the same for all healing channels. If your thinking is muddy & clouded, or you are in a lot of physical pain you cannot conduct the energy as easily as one who is clear of these problems." **See the answer below for more detail.
Q 13
Can I do healing on myself? I heard that it doesn't work when you do it to yourself.
A 13
"Yes and No. Yes you can do healing on yourself and it does work if you really love yourself. If you are usually at war within and running yourself down, or finding fault about your body, your life, etc., then I would say no. It will work even in this negative state but the energy conducted is so much lower that you will not receive a large benefit from the experience. In this state it is better to seek out another of a more positive [higher] vibration." **See the answer above for more detail.
Q 14
What exactly is "Universal Life Energy"?
A 14
"Universal Life Energy" has no mystery to it. I call it God's energy. The books do not call it God's energy because everyone is not of the same religion, does not use the term God and may be uncomfortable with using it, so a 'catch all phrase' was coined to cover all the different religions. "Universal Life Energy" represents God, Buddha, Jehovah, Allah, The Creator, and [Great Mystery]. Simply put, whoever it is you pray to 'IS' who and what the energy is. I use 'God's' energy, one of my students uses 'Buddha's', and another uses the 'The Creator's' energy. Simple, eh?"
Q 15
My Master says I'm not ready to move up a level yet other girls I took level one with have moved on. How do I know when I'm ready?
A 15
"Usually, when you can ask you are ready to advance - but not always. A Reiki Master usually knows when you are ready and when asked the answer will be appropriate. Each person moves and develops at their own speed. There is no competition. It is not a race. Sometimes a student is simply in a rush and has done very little or no work on themselves and therefore has not earned the right for advancement. If you feel you are "more than ready" to advance and your current teaching Master disagrees then look for another's opinion. Without knowing you it is hard to say what the circumstances are in your case. I wish you well."
Q 16
I was told that if I get my Masters that "I HAVE TO TEACH". Is this true?
A 16
"No. If the student wishes to become a teacher, they teach. There is no governing law or legislation that states that Reiki Masters must teach. I have often seen people [with no desire to teach] get their Masters just to raise their energy. Frequently however, a number of these students have changed their minds a short while after the Masters initiation and decided to teach. For those with the calling, the path of the teacher unfolds."
Q 17
I was told I cannot do healing at certain times of the month, is this true?
A 17
"As far as I'm concerned the answer is no unless you or your client personally have some cultural or religious beliefs on the matter. If there is no conflict and you feel fine [not feel tired or drained] then by all means do a session."
Q 18
Are there any other limitations? What if a healer smokes or drinks?
A 18
"Yes, there are limitations. I would not suggest doing a treatment if you are in any form of physical discomfort or emotional distress. If you smoke cigarettes I would recommend you not smoke at least one hour before healing someone else and wash your hands thoroughly. If you have taken in amounts of alcohol or hallucinatory drugs I do not recommend you do treatments at all until you can get your act together. You may not care what you do to your body but you would be doing the client a grave injustice to give them a treatment while in this state or with this type of impure energy in your body. It would be much better if you worked only on yourself for several months. A responsible healer shouldn't have to be told this. A healthy healer doesn't do this." **See other answers for more details
Q 19
Is it okay to discuss other clients when I'm asked?
A 19
"Be a professional and treat your clients with respect and confidentiality [especially if you want them to come back or give you referrals]. If you are asked about a specific person, the answer is no. If you are asked about a certain condition [no person involved] then the answer is yes, but stick to general terms." **See the answer below for more ideas.
Q 20
When I'm asked about how helpful reiki can be for certain conditions, what should I say?
A 20
"Tell them the truth. A conversation could go like this: 'What kind of results do you get when you treat someone with migraines?' Your answer could be: 'I'm usually able to help relieve the pain. It depends on the person and their willingness to let go of the pain and what is the root cause of the pain.' For example, I had one client who I successfully treated for migraines - the pain never came back after only one treatment. I had another that I was only able to remove the pain from for a day at a time. I had yet another client who I could help for weeks at a time. It just depends. Be honest but do not divulge information about the individuals involved." **See other Q's & A's for more ideas.
"I would like to state here that I don't believe there is anything that can't be helped by reiki. Reiki may not provide an absolute cure for a life threatening ailment but the treatments usually help the person deal with their impending mortality by putting their mind and soul at ease. You cannot wish a person well, it is their choice."