While I am not an expert on alternative health - I do know a lot of little things that may prove helpful to people. Sometimes I just get lucky...

Here are a few questions that I have been asked which may prove helpful for someone else.

I have a question about the amount of sweating I do. I sweat under the least amount of heat and activity. My brow for example, will just pool; if I'm outside and working or something it's ridiculous. I need to carry a towel around. I could be just walking and sweat a storm. I know sweating is healthy and all but this is excessive.

Quick profile: I'm 26 years old. I eat fairly average. Probably too much fat & not enough vegetables. I binge drink (6-9 drinks) probably once a week. I smoke during that time quite a bit but then rarely smoke in between. I drink about 4 - 6 cups of coffee a week. I drink about 8 cups of water a day, quite consistently. I work in front of a computer and get very little exercise except that I walk every where I go. I've gained a bit of weight around the midsection this past year, way too much for my liking. Reading what I've wrote I see there are obvious improvements I could make and I want to make them but I have been in this lifestyle for years and it has been hard to change. I guess I wanted to know what factors effect my profuse sweating and what I can do. Could be the least of my problems but I was hoping for some insights. Thanks.

When you mentioned the perspiration you didn't specify if it was your entire body that did this or just your head. I'll cover both.

Whole body perspiration can be caused by:

~ Obesity - :} your body may think itself obese even if you are not and respond with heavy sweating. One sign of obesity is profuse sweating coupled with weight gain. You didn't say if the sweating began after the weight gain or before so this is a consideration.
~ An allergic reaction to "synthetic materials" such as nylon [in the clothes you wear, or in your blankets or on the chair you sit upon].
~ Alcohol poisoning can cause profuse sweating as your body tries to do a heavy detoxification and your liver works overtime.
~ Anxiety, excitement and stress cause heavy perspiration as well.

If the sweating is more from the head area it is likely you have blocked energy channels in your neck area - this can be caused by injuries, stress, being hunched over a computer [causing neck pain], etc. all of which result in heavy sweating with little exertion. The most obvious sign is neck stiffness and/or pain. A less obvious sign - head sweats that leave your forehead feeling cool or cold to the touch while you are sweating and you can get headaches with the head sweats [doesn't matter if it is from the heat or exertion but heat will cause it to happen more often]. Another indicator of neck problems could be one or both of your shoulders being stiff. Your neck may not bother you directly but sore, aching or stiff shoulders and muscles are a sure sign that it is affected. The best remedies I know of to correct blocked energy channels in the neck area are Chiropractic treatments, Reiki, Feldenkraise, and Acupuncture. You can do one or a couple of these to affect an energy release in the area - all have proven themselves effective in opening up the channels to get them running again. The best two are Feldenkraise and Acupuncture. Unfortunately practitioners of Feldenkraise are very rare so I would suggest Acupuncture.

I do not recommend massage or physiotherapy as alternatives because of damages I have seen from inexperienced practitioners and deep muscle massage [on injuries] is a real no-no :} so my learned masseuse friends tell me. Physiotherapy takes far too long and is more for aiding the body and removing movement restrictions.

I hope this has been helpful. It is very possible you have more than one condition to treat but from all the answers you have been given you now have a list of several methods to combine and try. At least you are on the right path. :}

Thanks so much, that was helpful.


I am looking for a natural alternative for my dog and wondered if you knew of one? He is 15 years old and still in pretty good shape. However he is getting a little weaker in his paws which I notice when he gets up from his bed. I suppose this can be expected at such age. Do you know of a natural approach to keep him as strong and as healthy as can be? I love this dog so much that I want to do anything I can to have him live a longer and healthier life without chemical medicine. Please help! Thank You.

Actually I know of a few. I also have a dog and he is ten years old. If your dog is friendly and will allow it you can have someone who does Reiki give him energy - or you can learn it yourself. Reiki energy is like catnip for dogs. I get the biggest kick out of putting my hands on my pet as he cuddles next to me because after just a few moments he lets out a long shuddering sigh. The more he is exposed to Reiki, the more the long shuddering sighs. As I said, catnip for dogs. A dog can actually handle the energy much more easily than a cat - body mass I suppose.

One of the biggest bonuses for a dog's health [with the most dramatic changes] is the Mannatech Phyto-Bears for children. One a day is all that is needed [at a cost of about 50 cents a day]. The difference was like day and night with his responses. He was listless, didn't seem to recognize us and wasn't eating. Fifteen minutes after he ate two [his first ever] he was eating and full of energy again. A daily diet of one a day should keep your dog very healthy [my dog weighs 85 lbs.]. If you'd like more information on Mannatech, email me from the Mannatech page. This product is available all over the world and can be shipped right to your front door. If you live in the USA, it's even easier to get it to you [and cheaper for you to buy directly]. It's a patent pending one of a kind product and it corrects a lot of health ailments in animals and people. I take it too because it is an immune system builder and helps correct a lot of problems of age - and the neat part - it's actually just a food based on the enzymes in mother's milk. My husband was very skeptical of the effects of the Phyto-Bears until he saw the changes in the dog - since then he has been taking it also and feels better.

Eyebright is fantastic for a dog's vision. I began to use it on my dog when we noticed he couldn't see as well. We definitely noticed a difference and even our vet said there was nothing wrong with his eyesight after he took it for a short while - he was even able to see in the dark again. I also gave some eyebright to a couple of neighbours to try and they both came back to ask me where to get it because they noticed a big difference in their dog's eye vision too. It's available in health food or bulk food stores in the vitamin sections.

Vitamin C is fantastic in that it stops animals from being bitten by mosquitoes. My dog had his first ever heart worm test this year and there was absolutely no sign of the disease. The reason? Vitamin C [chewables]. Big dogs [dose 500] small dogs, less. I wouldn't worry about diarrhea because older dogs are usually constipated and this just helps them have more regular movements. I know it stops mosquitoes from biting because I had two small children in the country and they were not bitten all summer as long as the had their daily does of vitamin C. My dog had his first ever blood test for heartworm disease and was found to have absolutely no sign of the disease. :}

That's all I can think of for the moment. I'll write if I think of anything else.

Great advice, thank you very much!


I wish to get some information on how to treat asthma, arthritis, men's problems using alternative / household / homeopathy medicines or through mind control. Could use an expert's help. Thanks.

While this is not really my field of expertise I do know a few things that made a huge difference in my health and I have several suggestions for you. [I am an asthma sufferer and I have arthritis but neither of them bother me.]

For arthritis I take "MANNATECH" products which I have shipped to me whenever my supply runs low. Mannatech is a 'one of a kind' research and development company in the new neutraceuticals industry. They are the frontrunners because of their creation of Ambrotose complex. Ambrotose is in all their products - and it is based on the essential immune system, etc. enzymes that [as babies] we receive in mother's milk. This has also shrunk my sinuses [I had chronic sinusitis until I took Mannatech] and I saw many other positive physical changes in my body and I had never noticed I had these 'problems' until they disappeared.

Depending on your choice of products, the number of capsules you take in a day. I started out at full dosages but now find that I need to take most of them only when I start to feel a sag in energy or see any of the old symptoms begin to reappear; or I take them as a preventative when I'm under a lot of stress.

For an allergy [dry] cough I take a Chinese herbal medicine which is also extremely effective on whooping cough. The box is beige background with green writing, etc. The picture on the box reminds me of Smith Brothers cough drops so I call this remedy 'the Chinese Smith brothers'. The only non-Chinese writing on the box [on the side] says, "FRITILLARIA VERTICELLATA & LOQUAT". I usually need only one to three teaspoons in a day when I get the cough and it could be several days, weeks, or even months before I need to take more.

For asthma I take "SINGULAIR" which my doctor prescribed. I haven't had to use an inhaler of any sort for over two years [and this is the season I'm most afflicted]. Singulair has proven itself extremely effective when treating adults with asthma [effects are not as good with children]. It is one tablet per day at bedtime. Singulair stops the narrowing and inflammation of the airways in your lungs. While asthma cannot yet be cured - it can be controlled.

For men's problems several "CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINES" have proven themselves very effective. For erectile dysfunction there are several in tablet form which I'm told have corrected a lot of the problems. You will have to do 'trial and error' to see which one best suits your body's needs. Check other stores too because some carry a wider range of products than others. Unfortunately I no longer have the names for these products, being female I didn't really pay attention.

Another method proven very effective for arthritis asthma, etc. is "REIKI". I know this works because I have several clients who come to me for sessions and I've had tremendous results with them. If you like I can add you to my distance healing list [there is no charge for this but I would prefer a bit more information from you for this - we can do this privately if you wish - I tune into the person's personal vibration through their name].

Often a blend of several "ESSENTIAL OILS" has proven itself helpful for asthma and physical pain. "MAGNETS" have also removed pain - again I know because I used them for torn ligaments.& whiplash. I can give you my recipes for essential oils if you like.

We do not receive enough nutrition or other essential ingredients in our food today and this is the main reason why so many people are being affected by disease. The food produced is not left to ripen on the vine and therefore does not form the proper and essential nutrients we need to fight off physical disease. With proper nutrition it has been proven that people are better able to fight off all illness - from stress to physical ailments. Your immune system cannot function properly without these essential nutrients. This brings me back to Mannatech which does provide all the missing essentials.

I hope you find some of these suggestions helpful. I do know a lot of 'little things' from personal experience, which often proves helpful to others.

If you have any further questions or I can be of assistance in any other way [or if you want to contact me privately], click on my COMMUNICATIONS page and send me an email from there and PLEASE remember to send me your email address for a reply.

I almost forgot, Singulair is produced by the pharmaceutical company called "MERCK FROSST" in Kirkland, Quebec, Canada.

Hi, thank you very much for this detailed reply. I would certainly try to get the medicines you have advised. As for distant healing my name is *** and I am based in uae.i hope this much information is sufficient but in case you need more details please let me know. As for the medicines I am not quite sure I will be able to get them here in that case would you be kind enough to advise some household or homeopathy medicines for my problems.

I have some more problems; anxiety and sometimes palpitation, please advise what should I do for these ailments. I would also like to mention that I have been practicing meditation and self-hypnosis for a very long time but have not been able to see any change in myself but I have not given up - I still meditate. Could you share your knowledge about healing with me? I wish to become a healer myself. By the way could you tell what is chakra balancing, how it is done and what are its benefits.

Thanks again, regards.

Contact me directly for a more private consultation and I'll give you any information I can think of and I have a fair bit available on healing. We'll 'talk' soon. I'll help you in any way that I can. You're on my healing list.


Both of my ears have been hurting for about 2 weeks. My hearing has suffered from this I feel like I have earplugs in cause I can barely hear. I have been on antibiotics the whole time and they are not getting any better. I need help cause this is driving me crazy, Not only the pain but the not having all my hearing too. Is there anything I can do to make this better??? PLEASE HELP I AM GOING CRAZY !!!!!!

This really is not my field of expertise but it sounds like you could have a serious problem and I don't like to see people suffer so I'll try with the little I know.

You didn't mention too much about the onset, what your activities were or if you know how or why it came about. Were you recently swimming, flying in a plane, or have you put anything foreign into them? You didn't mention if you had any other symptoms with it.

From your description, your symptoms sound serious and I would recommend you going back to the doctor who treated you OR if you are not satisfied with this practitioner's results by all means seek out another doctor - preferably a specialist from the sound of it. There are a few serious conditions which could permanently affect your hearing if left untreated. Much as we all appreciate your faith in me, "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND HEALING ARE NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE - THEY ARE A COMPLIMENT TO IT!" All natural healing remedies take time - they are natural because they are not invasive and gentle on the body and take too much time to get the relief that you sound like you need now.

In ADDITION to your ears aching, if you have:
- a blocked feeling in the ear that cannot be relieved by swallowing along with your diminished hearing it could be an ear wax blockage in the ear canal
- a blocked feeling in the ear that cannot be relieved by swallowing and you have recently flown in an airplane it could be middle ear damage caused by a change in pressure
- any colored discharge from the ear you could have an infection of the outer ear canal, or middle ear.
- a fever it could be an infection of the middle ear
- a stuffy nose it could be a cold or allergies [and yes allergies can cause you a lot of inner ear pain]
- a pain that worsens when your earlobe is pulled it could be an infection of your outer ear canal
- a pain in your tooth or jaw it could be a gum infection or an inflammation in the joint or jaw

I'm not sure what the symptoms of tinnitus are but I think they are more a result of a condition in the joint or the jaw.

The best of luck to you and I hope you soon receive some relief from this obviously trying and painful condition.

Thank-You for your help. There was nothing to cause it no swimming, planes, it started with a sore throat. You have helped though. I will go to the doctor again.

Thank-You very much.


What homeopathic remedy will be helpful for the pain of endometriosis?

While this really is not my field of expertise I do have a couple of suggestions that might prove helpful.

Two of my very best friends suffered with endometriosis and the one thing that helped both of them the most was Reiki. They both got initiated and they both use Reiki on themselves. When they are in great need and too much pain they seek each other [or myself] for a treatment.

Another item of interest is the use of essential oils, which blended in the right formula for your need could prove very effective.

Magnets are another medium, which I know to prove very effective for pain relief.

I know eating ginger has stopped menstrual cramps [it has also stopped nausea and vomiting in the individuals who have tried it].

Anyhow, I hope these couple of suggestions prove helpful.




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