The liver is the most important organ after the heart. It has a huge task of performing more than 160 different functions including:
1) Circulating functions: transfer of blood from portal to systemic circulation, activation of immune system. The liver stores and regulates the blood and is responsible for nourishing every cell in our body. Eyes, body sinews, bones and joints all depend on blood from the liver for nourishment and sustenance.
2) Excretory functions: formation and secretion of bile and many digestive enzymes; removal of ammonia from blood; excretion of substances filtered from the blood by the liver such as heavy metals or dyes.
3) Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats), minerals and vitamins.
4) Manufacturing and storage or many nutrients such as glucose and vitamins.
5) Production of heat to regulate and keep the body warm.
6) Protective functions of detoxification: removal of foreign bodies from the blood ; detoxification by conjugation, methylation, oxidation and reduction.
7) Formation of urea, serum albumin, glycogen and blood coagulating proteins; red blood cell destruction.
8) Regulation of hormones by inactivating and eliminating them through the bile or urine. Since estrogen and androgen are both cell growth stimulators, elevation of their levels in the blood due to the liver's failure to remove them efficiently can cause their accumulation in the tissue. This in turn may lead to abnormal growths such as women's uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, breast cysts and breast cancer or men's prostrate enlargement.
The liver also regulates body functions which affect emotional and mental activities. In diseased conditions, the liver's blood storage and regulatory functions are affected, and bleeding or clots can result. When liver blood is deficient, nourishment to tendons and blood vessels is curtailed, the joints become stiff, and muscles become spasmodic and numb. The blood deficiency in the liver may even lead to stroke, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, deafness, fainting or convulsion. If the liver blood is so deficient that it cannot nourish the eyes, night blindness or blurring may result. If the liver is affected by stress or unhappy feelings, its vitality may be repressed and the sides hurt, and hiccups or hernia may appear. The bowels may become constipated and sleep may be disturbed causing nightmare or insomnia.
The structural position of the liver as a bridge between the returning blood from the digestive system and the lower part of the body to the heart makes the liver an important organ for the health of the body. A weakened and swollen liver can obstruct the venous flow to the heart causing heart palpitation or even heart attack. In other words, a healthy liver is essential for maintaining an adequate amount of blood flow to the heart and the heart can only pump the blood it receives.
According to the Chinese, liver and kidney are the organs that 'age' us. That is why almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine are liver and kidney tonics. Without clean and efficient liver and kidneys, our blood is not filtered clean. The 'dirty blood', loaded with toxins or waste products, is heavier and more sluggish. This causes poor circulation and reduced capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the tissue and organ cells are undernourished. If this condition persists, the cells will start deteriorating and inevitably, age. The eye and brain cells are especially affected because the blood has to flow against gravity to reach these cells. In an article on Alzheimer disease in the January, 1988 issue of the Mayo Health Clinic, malfunction of liver and kidneys was mentioned as one of the causes leading to Alzheimer disease.
Unfortunately, many of our modern prescription drugs are damaging to liver or kidney. Even over the counter drugs such as painkillers can cause liver toxicity. Therefore it is not surprising that many people over the age of 50 develop liver weakness or toxicity. Even among healthy people who are not dependent on drugs, the liver has been filtering blood day and night throughout life without being 'cleaned'. Over the years, the circulating blood has deteriorated in quality without being realized. The end result is often a feeling of sluggishness and heaviness due to poor circulation.
The Chinese Gentian (Gentian Scabra) has been known for thousands of years to be useful for fevers, rheumatism and general debility. It was also said to benefit the liver, aid digestion, strengthen the memory and give lightness and elasticity to the body. It is used mostly for acute hepatitis, acute conjunctivitis, acute tonsillitis, jaundice and most liver disorders. It is also helpful in alleviating 'sluggish liver' which can be caused by hormone therapy, medications or other problems such as stress or poor diets.
Liver weakening and toxicity is usually a slow process. In many cases the only sign of liver weakness is poor digestion and a low energy level. Fortunately nature endowed our liver with excellent regenerative powers. If we are able to understand the early signs of degeneration, we have an excellent chance of restoring it to optimal functions with proper care.
I know some people who have experienced signs of liver problems including constant fatigue, sleep disorders, skin problems, thyroid disease, heart palpitations, allergies, arthritis, frequent infection and fainting sensations, numbness in the extremities in the morning, poor memory, difficult and painful menstruation, uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst, and endometriosis. The people took a combination of Chinese herbs [Gentian for cleansing and various herbs for strengthening) and exercised daily. All of the above symptoms disappeared one after another when their liver became healthy.
In one case, the person came from a family with weak livers. The father died of stroke at age 59 and it was thought to have been caused by liver problems. The uncle became quite sick at age 67 - his extremities became dark due to poor blood supply and he was tired and weak. He went to see a typical western doctor and was told that he was beyond help and would not live much longer. He decided to seek the opinion of a traditional Chinese medical doctor who prescribed for him the liver cleansing herb (Chinese Gentian) to purge his liver. The man regained his health and is now over 80 years old and is still healthy.