Some suggestions below are taken from kitches spices and foods and others are from essential oils.  Scientific studies have proven that odors have specific affects on us so I have included some of the ones for inhaling as well.

Where I have chosen essential oils it is because they contain very concentrated plant ingredients that are high in antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and because of this they have potent medicinal qualities.  Essential oils are of such tiny molecular size they are easily aborbed into the skin which makes them perfect for therapeutic and personal care.  They can also be used around the house.

The majority of oils you find are absolutely safe but the uses of oils with be agreed and disagreed upon by many throughout the aromatherapy profession.  You should always research them yourself before using them.  If in doubt about any oils, simply avoid using them.  Don't be afraid to use them, just treat them with respect.  While there are a few oils that can be used undiluted, I recommend to err on the side of caution and dilute all oils with a carrier oil.

Here are some suggestions for some common complaints.  You do not have to use all of these in order to have an affect on an ailment.  Pick just a couple with a good carrier oil and see how they work.  Do a little research before purchasing as some may have more of the properties you are looking for than others.

When measuring the amount of these oils ~ the amounts needed are as follows: 2 tbsp. of the base [either jojoba, olive, almond or vegetable oil; or a butter, wax or other diluting agent] and 6 drops of each essential oil.  Just so you know, the normal way that practitioners mix oils is 3 ingredients to a bottle mixed with the carrier oil. I choose to do mine a little different and have had much better results from doing it my way. You don't have to use all the oils I suggested, just a few of them will do.  My husband calls my formulas magic oils because they work so well. The formula should be stored in a brown bottle, in a dark place that is cool. Only a few drops are needed on your fingers as oils go a long way (for your chest of course you will need a bit more). You can also add just a few drops of the mixture to your bathtub. Do not over do it, you will slime the tub and find it difficult to get out AND you will have too much which can cause a negative reaction. Use an eyedropper to put in about 4 to 6 drops in the bathtub.

I have made up several remedies from my suggestions below and all have worked quite well with the oils I have chosen.  Into your chosen base I would suggest putting any 1 to 6 of the following pure essential oil ingredients.  More is not always better and I don't recommend using more than 6.

For a bad cough, cold, bronchitis or pneumonia ~ Internal ~ a mixture of honey and lemon juice concentrate in tea or even in just plain hot water ~ it is the combo that works.  Just be put in almost equal amounts of both, either 1 tsp of each or 1 tbsp of each depending on the size of your cup.  This is very soothing to help break up chest congestion and helps ease sore throats.  It is important to remember that BOTH have to be used in almost equal amounts to have the desired affect.  It works best when several cups are drunk or sipped over the course of a day and to do it for a couple of days to get relief.

For bronchitis, etc. ~ External on the chest and back area ~ choices of ~ bay leaf, clove, cinnamon, elencampane, eucalyptus, heartsease, hyssop, juniper, lemon balm, lavender, marsh mallow, pine [Canadian], peppermint, sandalwood, thyme, valerian.
Internal ~ use the spices instead of the oils ~ choices of ~ bay leaf, clove, cinnamon, ginger, licorice, lemon, peppermint, thyme. You could add these as parts of your meals or have them alone.  You may even find some herbal teas that contain many of the above ingredients.

For infection ~ External ~ choices of ~ sage, lavender, chamomile, thyme, tea tree, comfrey.
Internal ~ choices of ~ sage, chamomile, thyme.

For pain ~ External ~ choices of ~ celery, ginger, juniper berry, marjoram, geranium, rosemary, boneset, cinnamon, nutmeg, pine, clove, cypress, lavender, thyme, cranberry, hawthorn.
Internal ~ choices of ~ celery, ginger, marhoram, rosemary, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, thyme, cranberry.

For sinuses ~ External ~ choices of ~ ginger, lavender, marsh mallow

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For focus and concentration (studies) ~ External ~ the scent of rosemary.

For happy and relaxing mood enhancement ~ External ~ the scent of lavender, peppermint, grapefruit, chamomile, lemon, ylang-ylang.

For PMS ~ External ~ the scent of clary sage but not too much or it will have adverse affects.

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For cleaning ~ lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender, rosemary.

To fleas on your dog ~ External ~ I have found that eucalyptus by itself, or a mixture of eucalyptus and tea tree oil work (in jojoba oil base).  Apply externally and just be sure to put the oils behind the neck of the dog so that it cannot lick the mixture and be poisoned.  I usually put some drops on my hand and then rub the dog with it on areas where they cannot lick, around the ears, top of head, around the back of the neck usually does the trick.
Internal ~ A wee bit of garlic in the diet won't hurt.  Never use garlic salt, only granules or powder and only perhaps 1/8 tsp for small dogs, perhaps 1/4 tsp for medium sized dogs, and 1/2 tsp for larger breeds mixed in their food.  You do no thave to use these every day, and to err on the side of caution is better, perhaps once three days.

For mold in your home ~ 1 cup of white vinegar with 12 drops of grapefruit essential oil.  Shake well and spray over the affected areas.  Continue shaking between sprays.  The area will smell fresher and grapefruit kills 100% of all known molds to mankind.  Where I have found the smell of mold to be bad I have added in 12 drops of tea tree oil because it has a strong odor that stays in the air for at least an hour.  Tea Tree oil kills 97% of all known molds to mankind.  When adding Tea Tree oil I have closed the door on the room or left the house and come back after a length of time.  I have used this mixture several times in moldy homes I have rented and watched black mold literally run down the walls after spraying ... it stops it dead.  Don't lock your pets up in a house you are not staying in with the odors for they could be toxic to them.



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