Much has been said and written about the aura. Perhaps I can present something from a spiritualistic point of view which may be interesting and just a little different.
In discussing auras we must remember that the viewer's perception is often limited by 'his' degree of clairvoyant / psychic ability. All things have auras whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral. If a tree were to die the tree would still retain its aura whether it is changed into furniture, paper or anything else. Nothing dies, it only changes form. We alter our present type of form as we pass into the next dimension. The human aura is a multi-coloured, egg-shaped, magnetic field of vibration which surrounds every person in the same way and radiates outward much in the same way that light surrounds a candle or perfume surrounds a flower. Human auras show our state of health, our character, and spiritual state - even thought patterns carry a vibrational aura. Our aura changes continually as we are in a constant state of flux through our emotions, thought patterns, and actions. Strong emotions and reactions will show up in the aura but the aura will return to its 'normal state of being' once these reactions have subsided.
Psychometry is the reading of auras - the aura absorbs some of the vibrations of the people who come into contact with it. The aura is made of cells and cells become impregnated with the energy vibrations of people or other life forms that own and handle them. All objects have their own vibrations within their aura. Anything that comes into contact with the object adds its vibration to the aura. For instance: a pencil carries the vibrations of the tree it was made from [and everything that ever came into contact with it]. It carries the vibrations of the people who handled it to make it, the people who packaged or touched it, the people who may have picked it up in the store, the person who finally bought it, the cashier, and the final owner [s] of the pencil. Everything is in motion, everything has an aura. Even if it changes form - it still has light and vibration. The cells in the aura have a life of their own and are the basis of our consciousness and active life. They are part of our divine inheritance and sustaining life force. Disease is often seen and felt in the aura before it manifests in the physical body.
When the physical body ceases functioning our aura goes with our spirit body into the new dimension. Our aura changes colours in the next dimension just as it does here on the earth plane. Because we are still in essence - that which we left behind - we are recognized by our aura when our presence is detected on this plane. The spirit guides always bring their own light or aura when they are working with mediums. If you are able to see the auras of a spirit and medium working together you will often see their auras interact as they speak.
From a spiritual point of view: those individuals working with beings in spirit [guides, teachers, angels, friends, guardians, etc.] should have as pure and strong an aura as possible because the beings they deal with have to work through their aura and if they are not of pure energy the spirits find it distasteful. We can clear our auras by diminishing negative thought patterns & destructive thoughts, and by the use of meditative exercises. If one chooses the path of the healer, the purity of the aura is of the utmost importance because the spirit guides transmit their energies through the healers hands and aura.
Someone once said the rays of healing can be projected at the healer causing it to acquire a new brilliancy and colouring and to increase in size. When the medium / healer places their hands on a client - for a few moments the client, healer and spirit guide are all linked into a unity of waves of dazzling light which pass from one to the other with incredible speed. This is a beautiful picture but to my knowledge all healers do not work in this manner. Some will direct the healer's hands to the client's area of pain and lay them there for a few minutes while others seem to wish the healer to stand back and wave their hands over and around the aura.
To read auras, you have to know what level you are reading - is it physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental? Are you a compassionate person who can accept others even though they have short comings and weaknesses - non-judgmental of others? Can you cope with the results of reading auras? Are you capable of filtering through your own thoughts to make rational conclusions based on what you see [e.g. if you see green - what does it mean to YOU - not to others], what shade and level of green do you see [physical, mental or emotional? Is it a temporary state or a permanent one?
We are all in different stages of progression, all have failings which we need to work on to overcome and we must do this if we wish to progress [either in this lifetime or the next]. Let us never forget to use the love principle. With loving service to God and mankind [and the practice not just the preaching of these ways] we expand our hearts, minds and auras. We build ourselves an auric body of power and beauty in which we may later function to the fullness of our ability - the light that illuminates will not be hidden.
People of an earlier time believed in and wore amulets as they were said to have a high vibrational potency and they wore them to fill in what they perceived to be lacking in their auras. The idea of using an amulet was to introduce the qualities of the mineral into your aura to be absorbed by it. Wearing amber was believed to promote and protect good health - this has a sound basis in science in that if friction were applied to amber it will produce static electricity. This electrical force is cast into the aura of the wearer where it will no doubt fill some vibrational deficiency. Rose quartz will bring about love [for the self &/or for others], hematite would ground you, etc. [see ** below]
Science has proven the existence of the aura in all life through the use of Kirlian photography. If you are alive then you have an aura. The natural laws of the universe affect us all regardless of our formal religious beliefs. To put it very simply, whether you are a Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Protestant, Spiritualist, or an Agnostic - if you put your hand into a fire you are going to burn your hand regardless of what you believe. This is a simple and basic example of the natural law of 'cause and effect' in action.
**I was very skeptical of the auric vibrations of minerals until recently. I do psychometry and normally I can perceive energies even from things I'm told I shouldn't [e.g. plastic]. I've never actually felt the auric energies emanating from minerals [probably because of their small aura size], even though I've seen their small outer aura [and their interiors]. Recently, my dearly beloved dog of ten years suddenly passed away. Now I've seen and sensed his presence when he is around but I have mourned his passing despite this - I miss him in the physical. I'm sorry but I just can't cuddle air and find it satisfying. Since he passed I hadn't dreamed once that I can remember and I normally dream [and remember them] every night. Even obtaining a new pet hadn't helped my now restless, unfulfilled sleep pattern [mind you she is not a replacement for him, you do not replace one living creature with another - you simply add in a new relationship of love]. This was a bit disturbing even though I knew it was my grief that was preventing my awareness of dreams but I didn't dwell on the condition but simply acknowledged it and waited for the grieving process to pass.
After many months I suddenly decided to conduct an experiment of my own [of course I was being guided]. Against all rational thought [and my normal way of thinking], I purchased a large quantity of good quality stones which I was attracted to and wore them. I immediately felt more settled with them on. So, after a couple of days, 'on a whim' [guided] I suddenly decided to put them all under my pillow with no thought in mind but to keep me settled in bed at night to stop my fitful and unfulfilling sleep. I rationalized that if they kept me settled in my waking hours then they might help me get a good night's sleep. The very first night I remembered five dreams. After a week I actually began to see my beloved pet in them.
In my case, I believe I am noticing their effect in my aura because of the number of stones I introduced all at the same time - whether one mineral is clearer or more appropriate than another, I have no idea. The selection of stones is odd but I rationalize that they are replacing the missing auric aspects of my dearly departed pet as well as filling whatever voids were created by his passing.
On a poignant note, my new pet is very aware of his auric presence. Every time she gets a new toy or something special she immediately goes and lays it before his urn and leaves it there for awhile as if to say, "Look what mommy got us to play with now."