~ Stalking the Wild Pendulum
By Itzhak Bentov.
An original view of the universe providing a new perception about human consciousness and its unlimited possibilities.  Perspective and phenomena both lucid and thrilling are given to us as a provocative picture of ourselves in an expanded, conscious, holistic universe.  He tells us how our bodies mirror the universe down to the working of each cell.  How we are pulsating beings in a vibrating universe in constant motion between the finite and the infinite.  Our brains are thought amplifiers, not thought's process and how we can instantly reclaim any information ever known.

~ Star Born
By Brad Steiger & Sherry Hansen Steiger.
There is still hope for our endangered world ~ a gift of love from the stars ... Star Born.  Can planet earth be saved?  Is a higher intelligence trying to warn us?  Are you one of the chosen ~ one of the Star Born?
You've read all the headlines about environmental disasters, military confrontations, UFO sightings, and public acceptance of the posibility that we are not alone.  What does it all mean and how will it affect you?
This is one writer's beliefs about what is happening to mankind in this modern age of ours.  HIs first controversial book was called, 'Star People'  and he claims to have received many first hand accounts from people who claim to be those people he wrote about.  A very interesting read about a second chance for the human race.  This is not supposed to be a sci fi book but rather a reality check about today's events.

~ Strangers Among Us
By Ruth Montgomery.
An astonishing revelation of the enlightened beings who have come to lead us into a bold new age.
You may know of a walk-in.  You may even be one.  They are high minded entities permitted to take over the bodies of human beings who wish to depart from this life.  Their mission is to lead us into an astonishing new age.  They are walk-ins, and there are tens of thousands of them on this planet.  The walk-ins aer here for this time of testing, fraught with world war and cosmic castastrophe, and will usher in a new millenium of peace and joy to reach to full perfection of man's highest powers.

~ T. A. For Kids [and Grown Ups Too]
By Alvyn M. Freed, PhD..
Another wonderful book on transactional analysis only this one is geard to children.  All of these books are geared to tell people that they are OK and teaches them how to get acquainted with themselves, to improve their feelings and interpersonal relationships, to improve their feelings of well being and self worth, and to improve their attitude in authority relationships.
This book is often found in the local library in the psychology section.

~ T. A. For Teens [and Other Important People]
By Alvyn M. Freed, PhD.
Another great book but this one deals more with the social interactions among teenagers among others.  Another wonderful way to stop games people play and how to deal with them.  A definate asset to all who read it and another of the few books I have often recommended to people to read over the years.
This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section.  T. A. stands for Transactional Analysis.

~ T. A. For Tots [and Other Prinzes]
By Alvyn M. Freed, PhD.
Don't let the title fool you, or the book's look ~ this is a psychology book for adults and there are no misspelled words above ~ that is just how it is written.  This is a great book for beginners and it shows you the games that are played by people so that you can put an end to them.  There are terms such as warm fuzzies and cold prickleys which are feelings that you have in response to social interactions.  Prinzes and Prinzesses are men and women.  Take my word for it ~ I have recommnended this book many, many times in the past twenty years and have set enumerous people on the road to self awareness and self discovery with this book.  If you have any wish to better yourself from a psychological point of view ~ this is the beginning book.  You should read this book before attempting to read any of the others I will recommend as they are all based on this one including an explanation of the terms used.
This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section. T. A. stands for Transactional Analysis.

~ Using Your Brain [for a CHANGE]
By Richard Bandler.
A book on Neuro Linguistic Programming which is yet another self help book to enable you to be the best you can be.  It is a guide to usingphysical tools to unlock mental and emotional blocks.  This is a book that helps but there is sooooo much more to NLP that cannot be described here.  I have used NLP to make some changes however when you come to deep rooted patterns or deep beliefs there are other NLP practices that are required that are not mentioned here.  Also remember that sometimes you will have to repeat the NLP method mentioned in order to affect a much needed change.  Another book to help you to become the person you want yourself to be.
This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section.

~ Visual Encyclopedia of Natural Healing
By Prevention Magazine.
A step by step pictorial guide to solving 100 every day health problems.  More than 700 illustrations, practical curative techniques and a gallery of 50 healing foods.  This book will help guide and teach you how to relieve pains, allergy proof your house, sleep in positions that heal, examine your fingernails for your current health status, make meals that prevent heart attacks and many other illnesses.
Worthy of a read.

~ What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You & Your Father Didn't Know
By John Gray, PhD..
Advanced relationship life skills for better communication and lasting intimacy.  A way to create lasting harmonious relationships as well as celebrating the differences between men and women.
John Gray is also the author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section.
Recommended by AngelBreath-.

~ Yeast Connection
By William G. Crook, M.D..
A medical breakthrough ~ if you feel sick all over, this book could change your life.  This book tells you how to suspect, identify and overcome the chronic and often devastating health problems related to Candida albicans, or common yeast.
Yeast connected health problems affect people of all ages and both sexes.  Common symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, premenstrual syndrome, headache, memory loss, vaginitis, muscle pain, digestive disorders, skin problems, impotence, depression, hyperactivity, urinary disorders, respiratory problems, learning difficulties, hypoglycemia and more.
Easy to follow diet instructions, recommended dietary needs [e.g. vitamins, garlic, etc.] and much, much more.  A good book for anyone suffering ill health.

~ You Can Heal Your Life
By Louise L. Hay.
An excellent book for restructuring one's life and finding self esteem and self love.
I you are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.  Louise has a great deal of experience and first hand information to share about healing ~ including how she cured herself after having been diagnosed as being terminally ill with cancer.  Practical steps for solving both fears and the causations of diseases.  Discover and using the full potential of your own creative powers.  Clear away the blocks that keep you from robust health and having what you want in life.



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