~ Communion, Transformation [2 books]
By Whitley Strieber.
Communion ~ The Beginning
Transformation ~ The Breakthrough
These books are both written about Whitley's true accounts of alien abductionsthat he has experienced. Both books are very well written and hard to put down and Whitley is very convincing with his thorough detail.
Communion describes Whitley's personal encounters with the non-human beings we know as 'aliens'. Millions of people recognize themselves in his strange but true accounts and see their own secret experiences in his words.
After Communion was written, Whitley hoped and believed that encounters that had changed his life would end.  He was wrong.ransformation was written because the visitors became more insistent after the writing of Communion ~ intervening in his life, revealing their language, and giving Whitley a glimpse of their true intentions [for the first time].  This glimpse into the alien's intentions will both thrill you and may give you new hope for mankind.

~ Cure For All Diseases
By Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph. D., N. D..
New research findings show that all diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known.  This book describes the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instructions for their cure.
With many case histories of diabetes, high blood pressure, seizures, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and others showing that all of these can be simply investigated and cured.  This book is on preventive medicine as well as curative suggestions for the end to all disease.

~ Develop Your Child's Psychic Abilities
By Litany Burns.
What is it like to live with a child with psychic abilites?
Does your child ever tell you what you are going to say before you say it?  Does your child have vivid or foretelling dreams?  Does you child tell you things that happen later on?  This may be a book for you to read to help your child grow.
This book has some specific instructions for discovering if your child experiences telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, channeling and more.  There are games and exercises to develop different types of psychic abilities and they can include the whole family for more harmony and growth.

~ Development of Psychic Powers
By Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips.
ESP, astral projection, divination, prophecy, scrying, telekinesis, psychometry, dowsing, spiritualism, and more.  You already have all of these ~ you just have to learn how to develop them to use them.
Psychic abilities are natural to everyone but for most people the skills are unreliable because they have not been exercised.  Modern science now has tests for them and more and more people are discovering them in themselves.  This book helps guide you through the learning process with practice and meditation.

~ Discover Your Psychic Powers
By Tara Ward.
A practical guide to psychic development and spiritual growth.  Have you ever possessed a 'sixth sense' or intuition that you've found difficult to explain?  Despite man's extra-ordinary technilogical advances during the twentieth century, do you still feel that something is missing ... a deeper, more spiritual meaning to life?  This book addresses these issues and much more by taking you into the realms of greater awareness.  It shows you how to uncover your own true potential, using both meditation and physical exercises.  It reveals how psychic and spiritual development can completely transform your life, while also having a positive affect on everyone around you.  This book has been written in a simple, factual style with step by step pointers to make this complex subject both easily accessible and fascinating.

~ Dreaming With the Wheel
By Sun Bear, Wabun Wind & Shawnodese.
How to interpret and work with your dreams using the Medicine Wheel.Dreaming is an important aspect of the Native way.  Dreaming with the Wheel draws on the dream legacy of Earth peoples and combines it with the rich symolism of the Medicine Wheel to provide a unique tool for comprehending and interpreting dreams. Sun Bear's vision of the Medicine Wheel teaches that all things and beings are related and must be in harmony for the Earth to be in balance.  By achieving a better understanding of our dreams, we can then have a better understanding of our relationship to the Earth.

~ Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet
By Jess Stearn.
The life, prophecies and medical readings done by Edgar Cayce.  Accurate predictions of two world wars including the years they would beginand end; racial strife in America; the death of JFK; a cure for cancer ... and hundreds of other events.
Do we dare believe his prophecies for the future? The destruction of most of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York; the end of communism in Russia with a liberated Soviet [in alliance with the U.S.A.] becoming the 'hope of the world'; the resurrection of the lost continent of Atlantis.

~ Edgar Cayce ~ You Can Remember Your Past Lives
By Robert C. Smith & Charles Thomas Cayce.
A powerful guide to reincarnation with startling insights into your past, present and future lives.
Every day the experiences of former livestouch our present and affect the choices we make for our future.  Edgar Cayce revealed many people's past lives and demonstrated the true meaning of reincarnation.  His words help you to get in touch with [and benefit from] your former lifetimes.  By following his unique guide you will enter an extraordinary mystery, experience the presence of previous incarnations and gain important insights into who you truly are today.

~ Family Secrets ~ What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
By John Bradshaw.
This is a great book about discovering your hidden patterns that have been passed down through your family through the generations.  Some family secrets are healthy ones but others are what are called 'dark secrets' and these are the ones that can harm you.  Our family secrets influence us whether we know about them or not.  A guide to discovering what types of secrets are hidden in your family history and then dealing with them while staying connected within the family in open and honest relationships.  As with other psychology books it is a guide on the road to self discovery and making yourself into who you want yourself to be.
This book is often found in the local library in the psychology section.

~ Games People Play
By Eric Berne.
Another wonderful book on the road to self discovery and making yourself into who it is that you want yourself to be.  I have often recommended this book many times over the years.
This is another book about T. A. [Transactional Analysis] and it helps put an end to the many head games that people play.  As with all T. A. books you are given the tools to stop the mind games while bettering yourself.  This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section.

~ Handbook to Higher Consciousness
By Ken Keyes, Jr..
Personal growth, psychology, new age material all woven into one.
Ken Keyes, Jr. is the founder of the Science of Happiness and the Ken KeyesCollege.  The focus of his work has been to offer effective techniques that people can use to solve problems in their lives and to feel happier.  The insightful workshops that he runs from the college have enabled thousands of people to discover the power of heart to heart love and can change your life dramatically.  It offers a clearly defined aid to living a more joyul existence of love, acceptance of self and others; oneness with oneself and others ~ and the universe.

~ Healing by the Spirit
By Ivan Cooke.
White Eagle's teachings show the way to true well being of body, mind and soul.  Subjects inlcude, diet, posture, relaxation, exercises, avoiding stress, and self healing through attunement to the spirit within.
Of value to all holistic healers or patients, the principle of healing is discussed along with some noteable cures.  Practicable advice is offered to help all those who wish to heal.

~ Healing Visualizations
By Gerald Epstein, M.D..
Healing Visualizations is Creating Health Through Imagery.  This is an easily understandable guide to image therapy for the common cold, arthritis, bone fractures, depression, obesity, anxiety, asthma, headaches, and sooo much more.
The mind has a tremendous amount of potential and as we tap into it we discover more and more ways of using it.  A healthy body and mind are the goals you seek to achieve when reading this book.  The exercises and information provided are designed to improve your physical health on all levels.

~ Healing With Colour and Light
By Theo Gimbel.
Improve your mental, physical and spiritual health through the use of certain colours and light.
The potential energy of colour was known andused in India, China Egypt, and Greece thousands of years ago.  Recent research has renewed our understanding of the uses of, and importance of, colour in our lives.  Combining both ancient wisdom and modern science we are given step by step techniques to show us how to change our mood simply by changing the colour of our clothes.  Relieve stress and enhance well being by using coloured light.  Heal emotional and physical problems with colour therapy.   Increase your energy and vitality.  Understand the colours of the aura and chakra.

~ Hot Numbers
By Jean Simpson.
Numerology is a fast, easy method for personal predictions.  Modern numerology is spreading like wildfire and you don't want to be left in the cold when it comes to term.
Numerology is one of the fastest and most accurate sources of information today.  It can tell you about your future, you current relationshiiip, reveal your true personality, predict your future ... and so much more.  Its not a book you can easily put down once you get into reading it.



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