~ Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
By Deepak Chopra, M.D..
Another of the self help books I have recommended over the years. This book helps to teach you how our consciousness does control what happens within our bodies and how to control such thinking to our benefit. Another great book on the road to self discovery.
~ Aliens Among Us
By Ruth Montgomery.
True testimony that ET's are on earth about to usher in the New Age.
This book claims to offer dramatic evidence of the extraterrestial aliens who are already among us and how they will guide us through the new age that is about to dawn at the end of this century.
With several 'secrets' said to be exposed it is said to reveal many truths that were hidden from us including secret psychic power centers both on earth and beyond it; secrets about UFO encounters that our government has covered up for years; secrets of global upheavels that lie ahead and how we can prepare; encounters from real men and women who claim to have encountered aliens [inlcuding a U.S. president].
~ Ancient Healing Secrets
By Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph. D..
From the beginning of time, people have turned to nature to find ways to heal themselves. Many of these remedies from around the world arerevealed in this book. This book is useful and fascinating and offers you safe, simple, and inexpensive ways to brew tonics and teas, discover the remarkable powers of healing plants and oils, be soothed by touch, breathe with awareness [as the ancients did] and be amazed at the results, use the world's oldest and easiest remedy ~ water ~ for dozens of problems.
~ Angels
By Billy Graham.
Ringing assurance that we are not alone ... that we are assisted and defended by a powerful and glorious order of invisible beings.
Somehow it has always been easier for people to believe in demons than in the brighter side of the unseen world ~ the world of God's protecting angels ~ yet angels have a much more important place in the Bible than the devil and his demons.
Billy Graham claims that angels are ministering servants who can appear or remain invisible as they perform the tasks that God assigns them. He says they think, feel and display emotions and that they are better organized than any of the armies of man or Satan. He claims they are not all sweet and light for they are also God's agents of judgement on the disobedient. Angels guide, comfort and provide for the people of God in the midst of suffering and persecution and that at our time of death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.
~ Animal-Speak
By Ted Andrews.
Animal-Speak [The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small] is a wonderful book that provides a complete description of ourpower animals and suggestions on how to reconnect with life's greatest teachers. This book is written from an American Indian point of view and I have found it to be the best anywhere to explain about the animal's influence on our lives. It has also helped to explain some of my dreams more than any dream book ever has. Knowing our power animals and their traits helps us to better understand ourselves. This book helps you to discover your hidden powers as reflected by your animal totems and how to call upon the protective powers of your animal totem. A definate book to be bought and kept. This book is often found in your local library either in the new age section or in shamanism.
~ As It Was, I Believe, The Third Eye [3 books]
By T. Lobsang Rampa.
Three books written by T. Lobsang Rampa. These books are written about the fascinating account of T. Lobsang Rampa's Tibetan life. A fascinating account of the man and his achievements. This remarkable teacher will bring solace and inspiration to his countless followers in every part of the world and shed the light of inspiration on the human mysteries.
There are several books in the series and I recommend reading them all if you can find them.
~ Ask Your Angels
By Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie & Andrew Ramer.
A practical guide to working with the messengers of heaven to empower and enrich your life. The writers claim that if you pick up this book that the angels have already touched you.
Angels have been with us in every time and culture and in many religious traditions. From historical writings and widespread contemporary experience that includes their own workshops, the authors show us how we can draw on the power of the angels to reconnect with our lost inner selves to achieve our goals.
They guide you in ways to align with angelic energy fields you will use five simple steps as well as exercises and meditations and visualizations to learn to talk with your angels ~ in your mind, in letters, in dreams, or on a computer ~ and ask their guidance in matters from the inspired to the mundane.
~ Astral Projection
By Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips.
Astral projection is an out of body experience. Your consciousness can be sent forth, out of the body, with full awareness and return withfull memory. You can travel through time and space and talk with no-physical entities, obtain knowledge by non-material means and experience higher dimensions.
You are led through the essential stages for the inner growth and development that will result in fully conscious projection ~ and return. Using step by step procedures and visualization aids you are taken into the astral plane of existence. You are given guidance as to what to expect and what can be done on the astral plane.
For those who have never experienced astral projection this may be a good beginner book for you.
~ Attainment Through Magic
By William G. Gray.
Attainment Through Magic was previously titled A Self Made by Magic.
Evoking the higher self ~ making a magical self.
To become initiated into the holy mysteries of light you must first heed the primal injunction to KNOW THYSELF. To know oneself means to know Divinity and each Self-seeker needs a path [or a system] that will guide them in the right direction.
A workable system of magical practice is presented that anyone can follow that will lead to what is called the True Self, Immortal Identity or the Ultimate.
For the serious student of magic, this book is an excellent introduction to the art of self realization.
~ Bach Flower Remedies Step by Step
By Judy Howard.
A complete book to prescribing Dr. Bach's 38 healing remedies. This book is written by Judy Howard, SRN, SCM, HV, Fellow Custodian and Trustee of Bach Flower Remedies and the Dr. E. Bach Healing Trust.
This book instructs you on the 38 remedies and their properties, as well as rescue remedy, understanding the Bach system, learning to prescribe, recognizing type remedies, consultations, prescribing for others: children, yourself, animals and plants. This book goes more in depth on the properties of the remedies however you can view the short overviews of each remedy on my web site as described by Dr. Bach and the advertizing agencies who make flyers for him.
This book may be available in your local library in the health or medical section. Best to try a search for the name and author when looking for it.
~ Beyond O.K.
By Win Wenger, PhD..
Another book I have recommended over the years that deals with Transactional Analysis. I'm OK ~ You're Ok but this one is Beyond OK ~ the next step in your mental and emotional evolution. This book guides you step by step to easily increase your intelligence, and unlock whole areas you've felt locked in, and to remove any unnecessary limitations from your life as well as finding happier ways to deal with people. A wonderful book to be read after you have read the beginning T. A. for Tots book and any others you felt were needed. This book is often found in your local library in the psychology section.
~ Blended Medicine
By Michael Castleman.
The most practical comprehensive guide for living healthier and longer in the 21st century with some of the best choices in healing. This is the direction that mankind is heading into ~ a combination of natural, alternative and mainstream medicine for more than 100 ailments.
In this book you discover how to use an array of healing modalities along with mainstream medicine. The alternative therapies include: yoga, massage, herbs, chiropractic, acupressure, ayurveda, home remedies over the counter drugs, oriental medicine and vitamin & mineral supplements.
~ Bridge of Light
By Launa Huffiness.
Bridge of Light contains tools for spiritual transformation. It offers you practical tools to handle the new intense energies that come with all spiritual expansions.
Step by step instructions for meditations. visualizations and psychological techniques are included with real life examples and easy exercises.
Energize your body with light, create your own Temple of Light, build bridges of light to people or qualities that you want to bring into your life.
~ Celestine Prophecy [An Adventure]
By James Redfield.
I couldn't put this book down when I read it several years ago and I still like it to this day. It provides throughout the book, the nine [9] key insights into life itself - that each being is predicted to grasp sequentially, one insight then another, as we move toward a completey spiritual culture on Earth.
~ Coming Back to Life
By P.M.H. Atwater.
The aftermath of the near death experience is far removed from any magical short cut to enlightenment. Rather, it becomes a time when belief systems, attitudes and emotions are strained to the breaking point.
As many as eight million Americans have had at least one near death experience.
This fascinating phenomena has been the focus of much investigation in recent years. However the after affects ~ the ways that near death experiences can dramatically change both the personalities and lives of survivors for years to come has never been explored in depth. The writer of this book intends to do just that ~ explore it in depth.
Based on extensive interviews with over two hundred near death survivors and thousands of their friends and relatives. The writer herself is a near death survivor and she examines the major positive and negative after affects which survivors experience including: a shifted view of physical reality and disorientation in the world of time and space. Expanded intuitive and psychic abilities, spiritual transformation, and difficulty with communication and relationships. An inability to personalize emotions and feelings, especially those of love.
This book also provides a specific recovery plan for assisting near death survivors in their return to 'ordinary living.'