What is astral travel? It is a perfectly natural occurrence. It is the ability to travel on another plain of existence and going to another destination often without thought - though not always. You may decide on a destination before hand but astral traveling is not governed by intellect, it is governed by emotion. Remote viewing is governed by intellect and is far different than this. You will go to places you feel an attraction to. If you decide to astral travel to another city just to see the sights, chances are it will not work. However if you are motivated to go to another city to see a loved one who is there - your chances increase dramatically for success [you will not see the city so much as the person you seek and feel an attachment to].
Descriptions of astral travel vary but generally it is experienced as a 'floating' or 'out of body' sensation. Sometimes you will hear a crackling noise as you separate from your body. It usually occurs in a twilight state, slightly out of your body. You may deliberately cause it to happen or it may happen while you are sleeping [spontaneously]. Astral projection can occur involuntarily in sleep and can be taken over by the conscious mind of the sleeper and can be turned into a purposeful adventure. You may feel a strong, powerful feeling overcome you. You might try to move but find yourself immobilized, you may or may not be able to open your eyes. If you catch the feeling in time you can stop it and suddenly snap out of it. It can be very frightening if you don't know what is going on. There is nothing negative about it except in the way that you react to the event.
When you feel this state coming over you and you do not fear it, go with it and let the feeling wash over you. Know that you are protected by God and his angels and even say a prayer if you wish. Attach no feelings of negativity or panic to the event and see what happens. Most likely you will experience a kind of floating sensation while lying in bed or while sitting in a comfortable and relaxed position and when you wake up in the morning you will feel totally refreshed. If you get upset when this is happening you will feel tired and drained the next day instead of feeling refreshed.
You astral body is always connected to your physical body by an ethereal cord and even though it may seem thin at times it is very strong - you can be instantly snapped back inside your physical body at a moment's notice without warning or reason. This could happen when you suddenly realize you are astral traveling and you hadn't planned on it. If there is nothing of potential danger then there is no reason for you to return until you desire it, within limitations that is. Your physical body will snap you back in a second if it senses any danger whatsoever. It is not so much a problem of how to get back but rather of how to stay out of your body. In order to astral travel you need to forget the physical body. You cannot get lost or forget your way back because you are attached to your body by this ethereal or silver cord. With a thought of returning to your body you are there - thought becomes action.
Myself, if I decide to astral travel, I begin by making sure I am not going to be disturbed by anyone. I like to have on some mood music - something light and airy on low volume for a background noise so that I won't be suddenly startled by outside noises - as I said, the hard part is staying out. There is a kind of a crackling noise like static or the rustling of paper that I sometimes hear, other times I sense a distance that has taken place between my consciousness and my body. It feels like I have removed myself from my physical self and I have a feeling of being 'away'.
When you are traveling to your destination it is often described as a sensation of rushing over tree tops and you can see them below as they blur by and then suddenly you have arrived at where you want to be.
Begin with short astral journeys. You can arrange to travel with a friend or companion and compare notes. To enhance your astral experiences, get into the practice of directing positive messages of love, goodwill and encouragement to yourself to raise your vibration. When you are suffering from pain, sickness, stress or fatigue, be especially sure of sending positive energies to your instinctual and physical self. Make sure all messages that you send are strong, reasonable and positive.