Have you discovered your totem animals?

You may want to begin with objects of art in your home that you have been drawn to or felt an affinity with. If you wear any form of ornamentation such as jewelry that depicts certain animals you may want to make note of them. Do you have any clothing with pictures of animals on them? Do you have certain pet animals that you are attracted to? Do people say you remind them of certain animals with your behaviour? Do you own a car with an animal name? Do certain animal ads catch your eye. If one animal in particular, or a few animals appear over and over again when you ask yourself these questions it may be that these are your animal totems. If you do have some depictions of animals in your home you may want to begin with them before proceeding any further.

If you have not yet discovered your totem animal then I suggest you skip this page and go and read Animal Totems and Birth Totems before reading this page as the information there may help you to discover them. After reading the information there please return to this page. If you do know your animal totems now then please proceed …

Once you have discovered your totem animals you need to begin the process of uncovering their talents and gifts so that you know what it is that you have to work with. It is important that you take the time to get to know your animal totems completely so that you understand them. These animals are to work with you ~ perhaps for the rest of your life ~ and they bring with them many messages for you. The best thing you can do is learn everything you can about your animal totem and one way to do this is to meditate with them on the astral planes. Just as you get to know people that you share your life with, you should get to know your totem animals as well as you can for you may share the rest of your life with the animal. Isn't it better to know who you live with than live with a stranger?

Take the time to get to know your animal as you would another human with whom you wish to build a close relationship. This animal is here to work with you and it is better to build a rapport than to just take it for granted. Swim with it, hunt with it, cuddle it, feed it or even bathe it but make some effort to build a strong bond with it. The more you are together ~ the stronger the bond and the more easily it will be to work with it.

Today, in a search for closeness with nature and the American Indian heritage, many are relearning the old ways and using the animal energy as the Native Americans did. To see which animal energies are right for you, simply take a deep breath, still yourself, and ask your inner being. In the silence of meditation you may get a visual of an animal, or a knowing, or a feeling, or a name may just pop into your head, or even a combination of these. Make sure to ask for details on the animal so that you can better acquaint yourself with it. Make sure it is not coming from you and what you want it to be. Even the most simple of creatures have gifts to offer and many a person has been quite surprised by what they have. Not everyone has a bear or eagle so don't get in your own way and block the true animals you work with. If you find yourself with an animal that you are unable to work with and you cannot access any of its gifts or abilities it may be that you are not supposed to be working with that animal ~ at least at this time.

~    What does your animal look like?  Include its colour, build, size, weight, height, and        physical characteristics.
~    What does it eat and where does it get its food?
~    Where does it live and sleep?
~    What does it use for shelter and what type of climate does it live in?
~    What are its mating habits? What type of social life and / or social structure does it           live in?
~    What special traits, skills and habits does it have?
     Are any of these unique to this animal only?
~    What is it in your life that parallels this animal and what do you have in common              with it?
~    Why do you think this animal is in your life now?
~    What is it that you have to learn from it?

In understanding these things you will have insight to your animal totem and it's meaning for you. Discover the magic of your animal totem by spending time in meditation on your animal totem. From a simple meditation like watching your animal totem in nature to a deep meditation where you shape shift into your totem. Meditation is a wonderful connective tool to the animals.

Ancient Native Americans believed that all animals had lessons to teach and that they all had healing or inspirational power. When they held or carried a certain fetish belonging to the animal, or meditated on it's meaning, they believed they drew the special energy of the animal into themselves. For example, carrying a rabbit's foot or wearing a piece of jewelry or clothing with either the animal shown on it or simply the words.



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