Animals from S to Z
Perseverance, determination, swimming upstream through emotional waters to gain insight, understanding divination messages, rebirth of spiritual knowledge, trust, strength, determination, persistence
Rebirth, illusiveness, creative power, goddess energy, exploration of the mysteries of life, transmutation, power, life force, sexual potency
Opportunity, creativity, wisdom, divine inspiration, shape-shifting, understanding the patterns of illusion, female energy for the creative force of life, web of life, interconnectedness, industrious
Grace, inner beauty, essence, awakening the power of self, understanding dream symbols, guide into dreamtime, seeing into the future, understanding spiritual evolution, dream work, developing intuitive abilities, trust, grace in dealing with others, elegance, nurturing together, relationship, oneness
Protection, grounding, focus, symbol of the earth, connection with the center, navigation skills, patience, self-boundaries, earth clan, creativity, love, healing and knowledge
Purity, innocence, virginity, connection to weather patterns, connection to the forest spirits, connection to the faeries, relative of Pegasus
Creation, conservation, creative inspiration, breaking down the barriers of the human mind, obliterating the concept of good or evil, using the vibrational energy of song to heal, finding your soul song, seeing the unseen, ability to seal energy leaks, intuition
Loyalty, teaching skill, communication, guidance in dreams and meditations, instinct linked with intelligence, social and familial values, outwitting enemies, steadfastness, skill in protection of self and family, taking advantage of change, independence, earth wisdom
Connection to the earth, ability to find hidden layers, understands rhythms, cycles and patterns, warnings, prophecy, associated with thunder, the earth's drummer, pecks away at deception until the truth is revealed