For those who are so distressed by disagreements that they would keep the peace at the expense of not expressing their own opinions or revealing their problems. They hide their cares behind a cheerful façade. Mental torment behind a brave face. Restlessness at night from repressed worries that prevent sleeping.
For vague fears of unknown origin. Apprehensive that something terrible is going to happen but for no known reason. Fears and worries of unknown origin.
For those who are over anxious to serve others to the point where they become more servants than willing helpers. Weak-willed, they often neglect their own mission in life. Subservient.
For those who lack sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions and are constantly seeking and often being misled by the advice of others. Seeks advice and confirmation from others.
For fear of losing control over mind or body; having the impulse to do something which is known to be wrong. Fear of mind giving away.
For those who fail to learn from their own past experiences and by observing others. They repeat the same mistakes before the lesson is learned. Failure to learn from past mistakes.
For those overly concerned for the needs of those close to them. They continually correct what they consider wrong and enjoy doing this. They can be overprotective and possessive. Selfishly possessive.
For those who are dreamy, drowsy, spacey, not fully awake, living more in the future than in the present. With little involvement in the here-and-now they look to the future in hope of happier times. Dreaminess, lack of interest in the present.
For those who have a poor self-image or who somehow feel contaminated or unclean. For feelings of shame or unattractiveness. For detoxification; the cleansing remedy. Self hatred, sense of uncleanliness.
For feelings of inadequacy or depression arising from a sense of being overwhelmed by the responsibilities one has undertaken.
For those who are easily discouraged. For doubt and despondency caused by small delays or hindrances to daily progress. Discouragement.
For very great hopelessness. When it seems that nothing more can be done and there is no hope of relief. Despair.
For those who avoid being alone by incessantly talking about their affairs with others, no matter who they are. Self centeredness, self concern.
For those who are disturbed by feelings of hate, jealousy, envy, suspicion and revenge. For strong states antipathetic to love.
For those who look upon the past as a happier time. For feelings of nostalgia and homesickness. Instead of living in the present they are pre-occupied with the 'good old days'. Lives in the past.
For that 'Monday morning' feeling; when some part of the mind or body seems to need strengthening before we can carry on our daily work.
Intolerance for the inability of others to keep up with our own pace in getting things done. This often leads to a desire to work alone. Quick in thought and action, desiring no delays. Impatience.
For those who feel inferior and lack confidence in their own abilities. Anticipating failure, them make little or no effort to succeed. Lack of confidence.
For fear of known things such as poverty, the dark, being alone, heights, accidents, other people, a trip to the dentist, stage fright, arguments, exams, etc.
For the sudden onset of gloom, depression or deep sadness for no known reason, as if a dark cloud were overhead eliminating all joy and light. Deep gloom with no origin.
For those who struggle on ceaselessly despite hardships and great odds, never giving up when ill or overworked. Overly persistent in accomplishing goals. Exhausted but struggles on.
For complete mental and/or physical exhaustion, when no more strength remains to make the effort. Lack of energy.
For those who blame themselves. Even when successful they feel they could have done better and are never content with their efforts or results. They may even claim responsibility for a mistake made by another. Self reproach, guilt.
For those who are over anxious for the safety and well being of others, often neglecting their own needs. Fear or over concern for others.
For states of terror, alarm, hysteria and panic. For states of extreme fear brought about by accident, illness, nightmares, etc. State of terror or terrifying dreams.
For those who are strict in their way of living, adhering to rigid ideals and beliefs and often doing without joy in life. They are hard masters to themselves often wishing to be an example to others. Self expression, self denial.
For those who have difficulty in deciding between two things, first the one seeming right, then the other. This may be exemplified more generally in the form of mood swings. Indecision.
For the distress brought about by trauma. For the mental and emotional effects surrounding the shock resulting from accidents, serious news, the loss of someone dear, etc. After affects of shock.
For unbearable anguish. When mind or body seems to have reached the outer most limits of endurance. When all that seems to remain is destruction and annihilation. Extreme mental anguish.
For those with fixed ideals and principles wishing to convert those around them to their views. Always teaching and philosophizing, they can be over enthusiastic and over bearing. May be high strung and over active. Over enthusiasm. For born enthusiasts who cannot switch off.
For those who can be dictatorial and tyrannical, but may make good leaders when not taken to the extreme. Domineering, inflexible.
For protection and consistency against outside influences during major periods of transition such as moving, breaking old or forming new relationships, changing jobs, etc. Protection from change and outside influences. To help you adjust to your new situation.
For those who are independent, aloof and self reliant, preferring to be alone even in times of trouble and illness. Proud, aloof.
For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas or arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. These seem to circle round and round disturbing peace of mind and concentration. Unwanted thoughts, mental arguments.
For those who have ambition to do something of prominence in life, but they have difficulty in determining which occupation to follow. This may cause dissatisfaction and delay. Uncertainty as to the correct path in life.
For those who are indifferent and resigned to all that happens. They make no effort to improve their situation, surrendering without complaint and finding no joy. Resignation, apathy.
For those who are resentful or bitter over adverse events in life which have befallen them. They feel they are undeserving of 'life's injustices'. Resentment and self pity.