Anti-Oxidants, Bach flower remedies, chaga, essential oils, Canadian food guide, home remedies, liver ~ body powerhouse.
Opening the chakras, the aura, colours of the chakras, affects of colours, what the aura reveals.
Control, coping with anger, healing words of forgiveness, loving yourself, courage, trust,the power of friendship and more. For more inspirational input and affirmations check out Angel's Craft section on Inspiration & Interest.
Animals from A to Z, birth totems, discover your animal totems, types of animal totems.
Astral travel, dreams, guides, meditations, protection, psychic phenomena, soulmates, techniques, terms and definitions. Also available are some soothing meditations for both beginners and old pros.
Some recommendations for music (for meditation, practicing reiki and easy listening), self help books and self help tapes for exploring personal growth.
An explanation, the history, information for teachers, students and the curious.
A brief explanation about some different religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism (both Brahmic and Vedic Gods) and Spiritualism.
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This page was last updated on: April 12, 2017